Management and organizational model
The Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design have adopted a distributed management model – robust, multi-disciplinary and integrative – being central to our operations.
The ECO2 Vehicle Design management model aims to efficiently promote the implementation of the centre strategy and its connected, interdependent and emergent research. This means that there is a high degree of connectivity between all of the centre's organizational units.
Centre Board
The board of the centre consists of representatives from the main industrial and governmental partners as well as from KTH, both as adjunct as well as ordinary members. View the centre board members here .
Centre Management Group
The Centre Management Group (CMG) is a distributed leadership unit that manages the daily operation, initiation of new research projects, organisation of meetings, and communication with partners. The distribution of the management roles within the CMG is continuously revised, prioritised, and rotated once a year. View the centre management group members here .
Centre Coordination Group
The Centre Coordination Group (CCG) is vital in the generation of new, needs-driven projects, serving as the partners’ main connection point, and being responsible for the project generation process. It is instrumental in transferring and sharing research knowledge and results, combining them with product development and societal needs, as well as the cross-applicability of technologies between vehicle types, in order to initiate new research activities. View the centre coordination group members here .
Participating Partners
The Centre partners is forming the core of the centre, with representatives participating at all levels of the centre organization. View the centre partners here .