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Centre Management Group

The Centre Management Group (CMG) at The Centre for ECO² Vehicle Design is a distributed leadership unit that manages the daily operation, initiation of new research projects, organisation of meetings, and communication with partners.

The distribution of the management roles within the CMG is continuously revised, prioritised, and rotated once a year.

Susann Boij
Susann Boij Associate Professor, Sound & Vibration
Carlos Casanueva Perez
Carlos Casanueva Perez Associate Professor, Rail Vehicles
Jenny Jerrelind
Jenny Jerrelind Associate Professor, Vehicle Dynamics
Malte Rothhämel
Malte Rothhämel Assistant Prof. Vehicle System Technology
Romain Rumpler
Romain Rumpler Researcher, Sound & Vibration
Per Wennhage
Per Wennhage Associate Professor, Lightweight Structures

Adjunct members

Peter Göransson
Peter Göransson Professor, Technical acoustics
Ciarán O'Reilly
Ciarán O'Reilly Associate Professor, Conceptual Vehicle Design
Annika Stensson Trigell
Annika Stensson Trigell Professor, Vehicle dynamics
Page responsible:Romain Rumpler
Belongs to: ECO2 Vehicle Design
Last changed: Nov 29, 2023