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Centre Coordination Group

The Centre Coordination Group (CCG) at the Centre for ECO² Vehicle Design is vital in the generation of new needs-driven projects.

CCG is a key driver for the connected, interdependent and emergent research and innovation activities in the Centre, serving as the partners’ main connection point, and being responsible for the project generation process. It is instrumental in transferring and sharing research knowledge and results, combining them with product development and societal needs, as well as the cross-applicability of technologies between vehicle types, in order to initiate new research activities.

A notable feature of the CCG is that the larger partners nominate a Technology Manager (TM) and Eco Manager (EM) which contribute with their specialist knowledge to oversee the technology and economical-ecological issues respectively. The small and medium sized enterprises (SME) have one member in the CCG.

The members of the Centre Coordination Group are:

Magnus Forsén Alstom EM
Ganesh Chandramouli Alstom TM
Fredrik Öijer AB Volvo EM
Wei Na AB Volvo TM
Peter Holen Scania TM
Dora Burul Scania EM
Per Alenius Volvo Cars EM
Egbert Bakker Volvo Cars TM
Mattias Hjort VTI TM
Sogol Kharrazi VTI EM
Tohmmy Bustad Trafikverket Public Agency
Mikael Nybacka KTH, ITRL* Adjunct Member

*) ITRL = Integrated Transport Research Labs see also

Page responsible:Romain Rumpler
Belongs to: ECO2 Vehicle Design
Last changed: Nov 29, 2023