Centre Alumni
Name, Thesis and Contact Information (where available)
Tural Tunay, ResearchGate Profile (2019)
Lars Jerpdal, ResearchGate Profile Processing of self-reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites for automotive applications (2017) Anders Rynell, ResearchGate Profile An experimental and numerical study of an automotive cooling module (2017)
Johan Hammar, A Wave Expansion Method for Aeroacoustic Propagation (2016)
Anna Färm, ResearchGate Profile Absorption of Sound: On the effects of field interaction on absorber performance (2016)
Rickard Österlöf,
ResearchGate Profile
Modelling the viscoplastic properties of carbon black filled rubber (2016)
Sofia Poulikidou, ResearchGate Profile Assessing design strategies for improved life cycle environmental performance of vehicles (2016)
Oskar Lundberg,
ResearchGate Profile
On the influence of surface roughness on rolling contact forces (2016)
Juan Pablo Parra Martinez, On multilayered system dynamics and waves in anisotropic poroelastic media (2016)
Nicolas J Pignier, ResearchGate Profile Sound propagation from sustainable ground vehicles: from aeroacoustic sources to urban noise (2015)
Mohammad Mehdi Davari,
ResearchGate Profile
A tyre model for energy studies in vehicle dynamics simulations (2015)
Christof Schneider, ResearchGate Profile Recyclable self-reinforced ductile fiber composite materials for structural applications (2015)
David Wennberg, Multi-Functional Composite Design Concepts for Rail Vehicle Car bodies (2013)
Dirk Thomas, ResearchGate Profile On Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Unsteady Crosswind Conditions: Studies Related to Modelling, Model Validation and Active Suspension (2013)
Martin Östberg, ResearchGate Profile Modelling tools for quiter vehicles: Waves in poro- and visco-elastic continua (2012) .
Sathish Kumar Ramanathan, Sound transmission properties of honeycomb panels and double-walled structures (2012)
Eleonora Lind Nordgren, A study of tailoring acoustic porous material properties when designing lightweight multilayered vehicle panels (2012)
Chris Cameron, Design of Multifunctional Body Panels for Conflicting Structural and Acoustic Requirements in Automotive Applications (2011)
Adam Rehnberg, Suspension design for off-road construction machines (2011)
Niclas Winkler, ResearchGate Profile Coupling aerodynamics to vehicle dynamics simulations in transient crosswinds (2011)
Tristan Favre, ResearchGate Profile Aerodynamics simulations of ground vehicles in unsteady crosswind (2011)
Magnus Juhlin,
Assessment of Crosswind performance of Buses (2009)
Anders Lindström,
In-plane Compressive Response of Sandwich Panels (2009)