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Motion cueing in driving simulators

PhD student: Henrik Hvitfeldt
Started: 2020

The focus area of this project is to develop a methodology for objective evaluation and development of motion cueing in moving base driving simulators. Motion Cueing Algorithms (MCA) are used to transfer a vehicles inertial motion into the confined space of a moving base simulator. The current state of the art of MCA evaluation relies heavily on subjective comparisons between driving existing physical vehicles and driving the corresponding virtual vehicle in the drive-sim. Current state MCAs also generate motion sickness due to false cues. To be able to subjectively test disruptive vehicle concepts in early phase development objective methods will be necessary to develop and tune MCAs without the need for physical vehicles. The objectives are: 1) understand which range of motion cueing is important for the fidelity of the perceived motion by using a human centred approach, 2) develop a generalised methodology for quantitative MCA evaluation for moving base driving simulators, 3) develop an improved MCA that is correlated and validated over a wider range of user cases and vehicles compared to the traditional MCAs using said methodology.

Page responsible:Romain Rumpler
Belongs to: ECO2 Vehicle Design
Last changed: Sep 23, 2021