Fellow centres and research groups
ECO2 Vehicle Design is part of a system of centres and research groups conducting research on vehicles and transport.
KTH Centres
ITRL – Integrated Transport Research Labs
CTR – Centre for Traffic Studies
CTS – Centre for Transport Studies
KTH Transport Platform
The KTH Transport Platform is an organisation for supporting and catalyzing interdisciplinary research in the transport field. An important goal is to facilitate interaction between expertise at KTH and external partners within academia, public organisations and companies with an interest in transport research. The KTH Transport Platform connects more than 800 researchers in over 40 research groups and 14 centres in five thematic research areas related to transport issues. .
KTH Indutrial Transformation Platform
The KTH Industrial Transformation Platform was created to support and catalyze interdisciplinary research in the field of industrial transformation and industrialization of new products and services for a sustainable society. An important goal is to facilitate interaction between expertise at KTH and external partners within academia, public organisations and companies with an interest in research about Industrial Transformation. .