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Autonomous driving and motion sickness

Industrial partner: Volvo Car
PhD student: Ilhan Yunus
Started: June 2019

Starting from the driver/passenger in the vehicle, there is a need to understand vehicle performance parameters in relation to what triggers motion sickness. Understanding the driver/passenger experience is the basis for future attribute balancing and trade-offs. The tuning of systems and components to avoid motion sickness or any other inconvenience for the people inside the vehicle will be in focus and there is a need to understand the attribute requirement balancing and potential engineering solutions available. Since autonomous driving (AD) eventually will be used throughout the entire transport system there is a need to develop solutions for all different driving conditions involved, e.g. examine if there is a need to develop adaptable aerodynamic settings depending on the travel speed, intensity and road conditions in order to maintain driving stability. To support long term ambitions focus of the work should be put on AD level 4 and above.

Page responsible:Romain Rumpler
Belongs to: ECO2 Vehicle Design
Last changed: Apr 29, 2020