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Algorithms for active road noise control frequency-domain and sub-band approaches

SME project (Faurecia Creo): Nicolas Pignier
Started: June 2018

This project studies the theory and implementation of two recent types of feed forward control algorithms, frequency domain FXLMS and sub-band FXLMS, and show why they are better suited to control broadband noise than a time-domain approach. The workpackages to be performed are: a theoretical study of frequency-domain and sub-band FXLMS algorithms and determination of suitable implementations, implementation and tests of the algorithms with one or more reference signals, control signals and secondary sources, comparing the performance of the algorithms and finally proposing ideas on how these algorithms can be used efficiently based on acoustic and vibration modes of the vehicle.

Page responsible:Romain Rumpler
Belongs to: ECO2 Vehicle Design
Last changed: Apr 29, 2020